Monthly Archives: October 2019

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Ep 17: Thought for the Day | RE in Wales

In this week’s episode, Emma Park is joined by Chris Sloggett and Helen Nicholls to discuss whether BBC Radio 4’s Thought for the Day should still be exclusively for “speakers from the world’s major faiths”. John Humphrys, former presenter of the Today programme in which Thought for the Day is featured, recently criticised it as ‘discriminatory’.

Emma also speaks to Stephen Evans and Alastair Lichten about a consultation on the reform of sex and religious education launched by the Welsh government this month. Proposals include making both subjects compulsory for all children regardless of their parents’ beliefs; and changing their names, with sex education being replaced by ‘Relationships and Sexuality Education’, and RE by ‘Religions and Worldviews’.

Follow Emma on Twitter: @DrEmmaPark

Watch this episode on YouTube:



Reform Thought for the Day: the NSS’s position

Thought for the Day – BBC Radio 4

John Humphrys criticises Thought for the Day

Welsh government considers ending the right to withdraw from RE and RSE: the NSS’s position

‘Ensuring access to the full curriculum’: the Welsh government’s consultation

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Ep 16: Operation Christmas Child | Faith schools

In this week’s episode, Emma Park speaks to Megan Manson about Operation Christmas Child, a programme that encourages schoolchildren and youth groups around the UK to send Christmas shoeboxes to children in developing countries. Those sending the shoeboxes may not be aware that they are being used as part of a conversion drive by an evangelical Christian charity, Samaritan’s Purse. The case raises the question of whether ‘the advancement of religion’ should still be a charitable purpose.

Emma then speaks to Alastair Lichten about the NSS’s revelation that 20,000 children have been assigned to faith schools in the state sector this year despite their parents opting for a non-faith school as their first choice.

The episode also features highlights from our 2019 Bradlaugh Lecture. Assistant head Andrew Moffat defended inclusive education in his talk ‘No Outsiders: Reclaiming Radical Ideas in Schools’.

Watch this episode on YouTube:



Does Operation Christmas Child benefit the public?

Samaritan’s Purse Mission Statement

Charities Act 2011, section 3: List of charitable purposes

Complete videos of the NSS’s Bradlaugh Lectures

20,000 children sent to faith schools against parental preferences in 2019

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